Uniweigh Scales and Services Pvt Ltd was incorporated in 2010.Prior to 2010 company was engaged in the field of weighing scales sales and servicing under the name Unitech.With in a short span the name Uniweigh established itself in the market.Today Uniweigh is a leading company having service network across South India
The Company expanded its operations in the Retail,Industrial as well as Service segments.This was achieved by providing customized solutions in the weighing industry using the highly modern Technologies.
The company believe Service to Customer is the bench mark for its growth. Hence provide dedicated service to the customers when and where needed.The service team is equipped with Factory trained technicians to cater the requirements of the customer.
The Uniweigh now having good customer base in all the segments staring from small roadside seller's to Big Multi National Corporate Companies. Uniweigh cherishes and values our relationship with customers and will leave no stone unturned in this direction with total customer delight.